Basic training for NVDA

Title Basic training for NVDA
Names NV Access.
Book Number DB118858
Title Status Active
Medium Digital Book
Annotation "The Basic Training for NVDA eBook is the first module in the official set of training materials for learning to use the free NVDA screen reader. This eBook is suitable for the new and existing user wishing to improve proficiency. Topics covered include: Getting started with NVDA and Windows, basic configuration, writing and editing text, document formatting, file management, multi-tasking, browsing the web, using the review cursor and object navigation." -- Provided by publisher.
Narrator Ashby, Mark.
Local Subject Disabilities (Nonfiction) - DII
Career (Non-Fiction) - CARNF
Computers - 004
Talking Book Topics - current - TBT2
Audience Notes Male narrator - MN
LC Subject Blind, Apparatus for the - Computer programs
People with visual disabilities - Computer programs
Video display terminals - Computer programs
Instructional and educational works
Language English
Released 2024
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